Sunday, April 30, 2017

5/1 Final Blog Post and PITCH evals

Welcome to your LAST month as a JUNIOR or a SENIOR!!

Objective: Write your FINAL SIP blog reflection, and evaluate someone else's pitch. 

Bellwork: Write down the objective. Complete your BELLWORK HERE 

Classwork/Assignments & Activities

1.  Complete a PITCH EVALUATION on someone else's PITCH HERE (use a separate piece of paper!) 

2. Review the dates below

Final Blog post + Pitch Evals 

SIP Completed, Formal Reflection

Week of 5/8
Complete Written Proposal as Summative for SIP 

3. Review the BLOG POSTS requirements. YOU SHOULD have at least 10 dated from JANUARY!! 

  • Post/Blog Page: Must be updated once a week with reflections/news about your SIP project.
    • 2 SUBSTANTIAL PARAGRAPHS each week with a post title
      • Demonstrate reflection on the progress being made on your SIP.
      • What kinds of things inspired you to write this week?
      • Discuss in length and detail what you have accomplished this week
      • Discus what you hope to accomplish the following week on your SIP.
      • Each WEEKLY reflection post should be written as if you are talking to your SIP’s readers.
      • If something kept you from writing on your SIP, you must detail what it was, why it kept you from writing, and how you will avoid this obstacle in the future.

4.  WRITE your FINAL FORMAL  Reflection on your SIP/#PVhasAuthors (due today!!) that covers the ENTIRE YEAR from when we started on this project. You may use the following questions as a guide to write your reflection: 

  1. What were the successes of your project?
  2. Were there any hurdles you had to overcome?
  3. Was there a point where you had to stop and readjust the project on a grand scale?
  4. What were the weaknesses of your project?
  5. What was the most important thing you learned throughout your project?
  6. If you were assigned this project again, what topic/goal would you choose?

5. Complete  your closure here: 

Monday, April 24, 2017

3 weeks until we are finished with our SIP

4/24 OR 4/25  2017

Objective: Review requirements for your PITCH and the Written Proposal. 

Bellwork: Write down the objective. If you had to tell a publisher about your SIP right now, what would you tell them? Why do you think your story should be published? 


1. Review the PITCH requirements HERE (Read through the requirements and write down any questions you have about it. COME SEE ME ASAP with those questions!!! 
2. Film your Pitch using your phone or one of MRs. Walker's tablets. Using the movie icon at the top of your blog post for today, try to upload your pitch. If you are having trouble come see me. 
3. Review and read the dates below: (something has changed...what do you see???) 


Pitch Creations

Final Blog post + Pitch Evals 

SIP Completed, Formal Reflection

Week of 5/8
Complete Written Proposal as Summative for SIP 

4. Complete a PITCH EVALUATION on someone else's PITCH HERE (use a seperate piece of paper!) 

5. Complete the Closure: CLICK HERE FOR THE CLOSURE

Monday, April 10, 2017

The SIP returns -- 4 weeks until presentations

return of the jedi -             FEAR NOT                FOR I HAVE RETURNED Misc


OBjective: Evaluate your interview in order to write a reflection.
Bellwork:  Write down the objective. Make a list of things you have completed regarding your SIP. What did you learn from your interview? 

CLasswork/ Assignment:

1. Using the feedback from the interview, the student posted a two page (minimum of four paragraph) reflection on the interview and information. Include a Works Cited page.

2. Supporting information (video or audio recording) to YOUR project blog. (on THE SAME PAGE as your interview questions.

3. Work on your SIP.
4. Review the due dates below. 
Interview Reflections and BLOG check should have 4-5 Reflection Posts -- (What are you learning from this SIP project?)

Blog Grade
 Blog Post #8

Pitch Creations

Final Blog post + Pitch Evals 

SIP Completed, Formal Reflection

Week of 5/8
Complete & Perform Final Presentations

4. Complete the Closure below